Boo-lieve or not- updates coming soon!

Hi all!

The both of us would just like to thank anyone who has downloaded our game since the initial launch- we had a good few struggles during the jam, but we appreciate any and all support! 

Whilst we cannot release an update to the game until the Jam has officially ended to avoid disqualification- here's whats upcoming in the next month or so!

First off, we'd like to address our upcoming fixes- Areas of the script with errors are working on being corrected, and we are working on implementing a longer introduction with choices to make along the way. Our longer introduction will make way for my final update of this log- our plans to implement a new character a month! (So long as we can do so within time constraints!)

In the teaser above, we've given you a "sneak peak" at the design for the next character story we will be releasing.

We hope you continue to enjoy our game, and stick around to give out some more Grave advice! -Helltrskelter

Get [Demo] Grave Advice - Abandoned

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